Illustration by Lord Moon Written by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin I have more research to do before writing a reflective essay titled "If the Biblical God is Real, He's a Genocidal Dictator!" Update (10/15/2019): Since I've been researching this topic, I have discovered that there's other material out there making many of the same points that I make. I like the title I chose, though. This project is on hiatus for now, although I will be adding some links to other material for my readers to look at. I plan to later read some of the literature out there that includes points I was planning to make, and eventually write a reflective essay & summary of the material - including stressing some of the points I was planning to cover myself. I'm going to add another blog post covering my experiences with schizophrenia and homelessness. I'm on medication for my schizophrenia and currently not having symptoms of schizophrenia in the past. I wil...

The Deep End Northwest is a multimedia blog in which we cover life & issues such as global climate change & the environment, war, homelessness, mental illness, privacy rights, big business, art, politics, anti-theism & religious supremacy, hunger & poverty, disease, workers' rights, racism, LGBTQA+ issues, gun rights and more from a leftist perspective.