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Showing posts from November, 2019

Schizophrenia-Related PTSD

Photo by Orion Moon Article written by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin I'm back in weekly counseling as well as group therapy at Frontier Behavioral Health. I'm processing a lot of memories right now since I started writing about the "Privacy Invasion Stunt" and since I have a speaking gig coming up. I went a long time avoiding processing what I'd been through. There's a lot of research out there about how many with schizophrenia had trauma, especially childhood trauma in their past, but there doesn't seem to be much or any research out there about trauma being caused BY a schizophrenic episode. The alleged spy operation I endured was VERY traumatizing. Some of the voices brought up sexual trauma I experienced in high school and rubbed it in my face. And that's not all they did. See also: Orion Moon Interviews Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin "My Schizophrenic Episode" with Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin The Privacy Invasion Stunt,...

Sometimes Privacy Invasion is Real!

Photo by Darcy Olivia Moon Article by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin The sign says "Send police! Stop stunt!" It is a Myra Sue original from when I lived at the Couer d'Alene Plaza apartment complex in Spokane, Washington. Here I am pictured outside the local shop Boo Radley's, located next to the apartment complex. The inside of my apartment was plastered with signs, in a hope that someone who was invited to participate in an alleged spy operation , would see the signs on a remote screen and call the police to end  what I called the "Privacy Invasion Stunt." I just recently added the anarchy symbols to the sign prior to my recent photo shoot. Most of the art work and signs from my apartment did not survive. They were left behind or later damaged by moisture in my parent's storage. Apparently,none of my alleged spies were brave enough or willing to rat out the rest of my alleged spies. One of my neighbors was very happy to see me get evicted. H...

Myra Sue Has Worn Many Hats!

Myra Sue Has Worn Many Different Hats in Life Article by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin A few of the voices wanted to know if I had Multiple Personality Disorder. It wasn't clear right away why they were testing me for this, but  it became evident with time that they each remembered me differently and were apparently taking notes. Well, I have (just like most people) worn different hats in life - as I have functioned in different roles -  such as mother, co-worker, supervisor, student, client, patient, wife, girlfriend, loner, friend, bookstore owner, thinker, activist, shut-in, party girl, feminist, Christian, agnostic, atheist, heretic, apostate & writer. I also once played pretend at being Carrie Brownstein, and like to sometimes think of myself as a wannabe Brownstein! See also: Orion Moon Interviews Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin The Privacy Invasion Stunt Essay#1: A Carrie Brownstein Wannabe Tries on Different Hats! Preview: Upcoming Essays & Recap of P...

The One With All the Star Power!

Photo by Orion Moon November 2019 Article by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin A few of the voices I heard in my apartment in the fall and winter of 2015 before becoming homeless exclaimed that I was "The one with all the star power!" and that I was "a real capable actress". I didn't realize at the time realize that the phrase "one with star power" is often used as an insult that means someone is being disingenuous. Although the voices were often cruel, they did inspire me to want to be an actress, which was something I wanted to be when I was a child. When I became homeless, I dreamt of becoming a paid actress for The Spokane Civic Theatre, and looked up their upcoming plays on their website. I didn't realize that actors for The Spokane Civic Theatre actually VOLUNTEER their time. Here I am shown with a copy of "A Streetcar Named Desire," a play they were planning to show at the Spokane Civic Theatre a few years ago. I didn't know...

Upcoming Essays on Privacy Invasion, & Recap of Pilot Essay

"When the spy operation or schizophrenic episode started, I felt like I had woken up in the middle of a science fiction movie or the novel 1984."  by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin Photo by Orion Moon. November 2019. "When I was staying at the Hope House shelter in downtown Spokane, Washington, I had to leave the shelter every day and carry my bags around with me everywhere. Bags are heavy to carry and will really weigh you down. Fortunately for me, I had a monthly bus pass, so I only had to walk a couple of blocks to get to a bus stop wherever I went. I'm no longer homeless, but brought some bags of props with me for the photo-shoot." by Myra Sue St. Clair Baldwin Photo by Orion Moon. November 2019. "Desperate for Police Attention" Photo by Orion Moon. November 2019.  The “Privacy Invasion Stunt”, My Descent into Homelessness, & Life Before Privacy Invasion by Myra Sue St.Clair Baldwin  Upcoming Brand New Essays, ...